MINDS MYG - Children's Wing Project
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does CW do?​
Click here to read more.
2. When are the sessions held?
Usually the sessions would be on every Saturday, 3.00pm to 5.00pm. However, there may be exceptions when we have outings or major events. Please check with us before turning up (or we may have to turn you down).
3. Is there a minimum age to volunteer at CW?
While there is no official minimum age, we would prefer individuals who are 16 and above (or of equivalent maturity), as the children at CW need to be handled with care and confidentiality.
4. I don't have any experience interacting with persons with intellectual disability. Can I still volunteer?
Of course! We welcome anyone who is willing to spend time with the children at CW. Just remember to come with an open mind and heart!
5. I can't come every week. Can I still volunteer?
Of course! There is no minimum commitment period as we understand that everyone has their personal commitments. However, please let us know your availability early so we can make the necessary manpower arrangements for the sessions.
6. Would there be any training provided before I start volunteering?
When you submit your volunteer application here, you will be prompted at the end to complete an e-Learning module. You will be required to complete it within the first month of your volunteering. This e-Learning module provides the basic information that would be useful for you in understanding persons with intellectual disability. In addition, there will be senior volunteers around during the session to guide and help you (where required). Throughout the year, there would also be opportunities for you to attend volunteer trainings to learn more about the ID community.